Friday, September 24, 2010

Thursday Night Pizza!

So the Salgado Clan decided that from now on Thursday nights are going to be Pizza night!!
Last night was the first night we made our home made pizza! 
 What I mean by home made is that we bought Pillsbury pizza dough, and Sauce in a can! :)
But we put all the ingredients together!!

  The boys made their own: Pepperoni and Cheese!

Then Henry made ours: Pepperoni, Cheese, Jalapenos, Beacon, & sliced Tomatoes!!!
Last I made the desert pizza: Cinnamon, a little Sugar, Lots of Chocolate Chips, & Marshmallows!!

It was all yummy!!  The kiddos had a blast and hopefully we will become Pros at pizza making!! ;)


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I bet you've never been asked this before!! Well maybe some of you haven't! ;)

Good Morning America!!!!

Now that we have said our good mornings lets get to the story!  So last night we were watching GLEE
(which I love love love!) and Henry turns to me and asks me

 "Will you draw on my balls?"

Now I have never been asked this before so I said 

"Sure why not !"

Like I have stated before I am always up for an adventure!!!! ;)  When I was done I was really happy with the out come!  I used a stencill of a Martini glass, so on one ball I colored a black Martini glass and the other ball I colored a green Martini glass!!  I know this all sounds really crazy!!  I also know you guys probably can't picture it in you minds,  so I took a picture of my art work!!
I really think you all are going to like Henry's Balls!!!
Just scroll down ;)

I drew on his GOLF balls!!!
I know you Perverts out there were thinking some nasty thoughts!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Common Cold!!!! It Sucks!!

Soo here I am on my death bed with this thing call the flipping COMMON COLD!!! 

Definition of the Common cold: 
Acute viral nasopharyngitis, or acute coryza, usually known as the common cold, is a highly contagious, viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory system, primarily caused by picornaviruses (including rhinoviruses) or coronaviruses.

Common symptoms are:
 sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and cough; sometimes accompanied by 'pink eye', muscle aches, fatigue, malaise, headaches, muscle weakness, and/or loss of appetite. Fever and extreme exhaustion are more usual in influenza. The symptoms of a cold usually resolve after about one week, but can last up to 14 days. Symptoms may be more severe in infants and young children. Although the disease is generally mild and self-limiting, patients with common colds often seek professional medical help, use over-the-counter drugs, and may miss school or work days. The annual cumulative societal cost of the common cold in developed countries is considerable in terms of money spent on remedies, and hours of work lost.

The primary method to prevent infection is:
 hand-washing to minimize person-to-person transmission of the virus. There are no antiviral drugs approved to treat or cure the infection. Most available medications are palliative and treat symptoms only. Megadoses of vitamin C, preparations from echinacea, and zinc gluconate have been studied as treatments for the common cold although none has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration or European Medicines Agency.

Other Words THIS SUCKS Big Boogers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Hello Hello

Well here we go!!!  Alright for all of you who don't know me let me give you a sweet and fast version of my life!!!
On December 31, 1980 this crazy couple right here:

Frances and Tino
got married!! 
9 months later on September 25, 1981 they had the most beautiful daughter anyone had ever laid eyes on!!
I know I couldn't believe it either!!
It's me ANGELINA!!  Wasn't I cute!!

Now keep in mind I'm the middle child!!  I have 2 older sisters and 2 younger sisters!!
Left to right: Brittany, Amber, Dennell, & Me!
Racquel the missing sister from the picture above!!

Yeah go ahead and figure that one out!!
I had a pretty good childhood and my parents did their job raising me! 
I think I turned out Normal!!! :)

Well 28 years later here I am married to Henry
We have been together 12 years and married 6 years!  I guess I could say the honeymoon is over!!!
Not really honey!!

We have 4 beautiful children!!  And yes really they are the most beautiful children you will ever lay your eyes on!!  Oh is that the mother in me talking!!!

Well that's it soo far!!