Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hello Hello Hello

Well here we go!!!  Alright for all of you who don't know me let me give you a sweet and fast version of my life!!!
On December 31, 1980 this crazy couple right here:

Frances and Tino
got married!! 
9 months later on September 25, 1981 they had the most beautiful daughter anyone had ever laid eyes on!!
I know I couldn't believe it either!!
It's me ANGELINA!!  Wasn't I cute!!

Now keep in mind I'm the middle child!!  I have 2 older sisters and 2 younger sisters!!
Left to right: Brittany, Amber, Dennell, & Me!
Racquel the missing sister from the picture above!!

Yeah go ahead and figure that one out!!
I had a pretty good childhood and my parents did their job raising me! 
I think I turned out Normal!!! :)

Well 28 years later here I am married to Henry
We have been together 12 years and married 6 years!  I guess I could say the honeymoon is over!!!
Not really honey!!

We have 4 beautiful children!!  And yes really they are the most beautiful children you will ever lay your eyes on!!  Oh is that the mother in me talking!!!

Well that's it soo far!!

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